Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Back To The Basics: The Running Shoe

Choosing the Correct Running Shoe
Vivante Weight Loss And Health Of Albuquerque

With thousands of running shoes on the market, where should you start? This seemingly simple question is actually quite loaded. Are you buying a shoe because you think it's comfortable? Maybe it's because you like the color pattern? Why are there seemingly so many shoes on the market and which type is really right for you? Are the shoes you have now causing other problems and are you buying the right shoe? You might be surprised.
The reason manufactures produce so many types of running shoes is not because they like to try new color combinations, but rather in an attempt to match the various bio mechanical running patterns found among different individuals. One major variant between shoes is their degree of cushioning (absorption) compared to how well they stabilize/control. Generally, the more cushioning a shoe offers the less stability it has, and visa versa. The goal of each manufacture is to offer as much cushioning as possible, while simultaneously ensuring you have an effective degree of stability/control. The shoe that is right for you will depend on your weight, foot and lower leg mechanics, past injuries, running mileage and running surface(s).
The general terms used for foot mechanics while running are:
Normal Pronation: This is defined as a slight inward roll of the foot and ankle in such a way that your foot rolls from the outside heal area, through the middle of the foot and a final push-off with the big toe. Cushioning shoes with a slight degree of control will work great for this gait pattern. Having a neutral foot and gait contributes to good overall body alignment in which ankles, knees and hips are not strained inward or outward. This facilitates good overall biomechanics, which help prevent excess strain on the muscles, joints and spine, reducing the risk of many types of injuries.
When the arch collapses too much and the foot rolls inward excessively, distributing weight unevenly. One of the most common foot misalignmentsOver-Pronation: Similar to Normal Pronation, however, in this instance you roll forcefully inwards and thus place a higher degree of stress on the inner-side of the arch area. Depending on the degree of Over-Pronation you may need a stability shoe or in extreme cases a motion control shoe. Plantar fasciitis and inflammation, metatarsal pain, problems with the Achilles tendon, pain on the inside of the knee, and bursitis in the hip are just some of the conditions commonly associated with pronation.
When the foot leans to the outside. Weight is distributed along the outside. Also known as underpronation, over supination reduces the body's natural shock absorbing capabilitySupination or Under-Pronation: Those who run entirely on the outer edge of the shoe, without contacting the ball of foot to the ground fall into this category. A cushioning shoe is needed for this type of runner to compensate for the absorption abilities lost by not using the body's natural cushion, the arch, during the running stride. Excessive supination increases your risk of injury by decreasing shock absorption and reduces
biomechanical efficiency by making push-off is less efficient. Impact forces to the muscles and joints of the legs, hips and back increase. Overall body alignment suffers. Heel bone, leg, thighbone and hip rotate outwards, resulting in posterior tilting of the pelvis. Ankles are under continual strain, making it harder to stabilize them. This increases risk of ankle sprains, knee problems or ligament damage. In addition to ankle sprains and knee problems, stress fractures, shin splints, back pain and increased metatarsal pronation are commonly associated with excessive supination..

Generally the best way to determine what type of running gait you have it is to have someone video you while running. This is a great way to view everything from how your foot moves with a specific pair of shoes to how you carry your arms. Running injuries can be induced by, over-training, improper running mechanics, worn-out running shoes, hard or uneven running surfaces and improper mileage progression. Please remember, if you initiate a running program by going 5 times during your first week for 5 miles each run, you have a very high chance for experiencing some type of injury, no matter what kind of running shoe you are wearing. Overall manufactures produce five basic types of running shoes:
  1. Motion control
  2. Cushioned
  3. Stability
  4. Light Weight
  5. Trail
Understanding which shoe you should be wearing will save you a lifetime of pain. Consult with a specialist and start your program on the right foot.

Read More At: www.vivanteweightloss.com

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